
Email Marketing Tips for 2012

Email Marketing Tips for 2012

Now that we are in 2012, people will now be expecting new and innovated ways to present email marketing in a new and unique way. This may refer to designs or any other visible objects seen on your new email marketing campaign.

State the Facts

One thing is for sure as far as email users are concerned: they don’t want to read spam messages. Most of email marketing campaigns that pop out of nowhere end up, if not in the trash, in a spam folder where they will never reach the user. So, here are a few tips on how to manage your emails as a marketing strategy, get them read, and how to make your email marketing strategy work.

Tip no. 1: Be Legal

The more you want to send emails to a random set of people the more likely it is that they will end up in the trash and could be marked as a spam. Getting permission from the user will make your efforts worthwhile. Make sure you send only to those people who asked for it, such as people who signed up for a newsletter on your site or specific people who have already read your emails in the past but who have NOT requested to be removed from receiving anymore.

Tip no. 2: Know Your Audience

You have to know and focus your attention to that certain group of people for whom your product or service is geared towards. In this way, you will have a centralized point that will help you to improvise according to what matters most.

Tip no. 3: What’s Next?

What happens next? This question should be answered with the five steps ahead. What do you want to achieve in your email marketing? Remember, set your eyes on the goal and do not take detours. If what you are doing is not taking you a step closer to your goal then it would be better to just put an end to it.

Tip no. 4: Say Something That Matters

Emails that end up in spam folders are usually those that have an endless resume of the company which does not interest the audience. Having interesting content will make the audience invest more time in reading it thus increasing the chances of them making the next move on your list.

Tip no. 5: A Smashing Look

One thing is for sure; the overall design of the email will attract the users and they’ll then be more likely to have a look at your email, but remember that content will make them stay. At this point, focus on an eye catching design that they can’t miss. You also have to make sure that this matches the overall theme of the email and of course the trademark of the company where you will be taking them next.

Tip no. 6: Know When To Stop

Sending an email does not mean that they have to just read it and it all ends there. You should encourage your recipients to make some kind of response: ask for a call to action in your emails and offer the chance for the recipient to respond so they don’t feel as though they’re a part of a one-sided conversation. They should also make responses. If they’re not, it means your strategy is not working or in the worst possible scenario, maybe they already changed email addresses to escape your email lists. Or your emails are already in the spam folder, which is a waste of time and might annoy the users. Know when to stop. If you are not receiving responses, look for another audience and re-evaluate your current one and also your email campaign in general.
Email marketing is one of best marketing strategies because of the number of people who use it, both on the sending and receiving end. However, building a reputation as an email marketer matters a lot. As you send interesting and beneficial content, people start trusting you and getting excited about your emails and eventually follow your next steps, leading you to your goal. Aside from the point that they should be getting somewhere they should also take their friends with them which can be achieved only if they are satisfied with what you are doing. One false move might end your reputation. So keep your head up, get ready to do the work, and once you’ve figured out how to do so, go for the best email marketing campaign ever.

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